Be Good Because Of DMC
Male massage shop in Bahrain earns lots of money since massagers are bisexual. This business is in fact more than just a simple massage. There are male prostitutes. Most of the customers know about this. I ran this business without knowing its retribution. I got to know the truth of life, demerit, merit, good and bad deeds, and what should or should not do via DMC.
You Are My Everything
At a silent night, when my father was drinking in that unfinished house, he suddenly cried in suffering and wriggled as if he was being harmed. When my mother met him, he was already dead. His whole body was bruised, and nobody could tell the cause of his death
Recipe for Romance: Delivering Food with Love
He was the second of 11 children. When he was born, he had abscesses on his head. He almost did not survive. His mother was very sick after delivering him. So his father had his maternal grandmother raise him from infancy until he was grown.
Loved You Since the Previous Life
ฆhe started telling me that the 3rd sorcerer had appeared in her dreams. He told her that he would take care of me himself because I had been his wife in the past life. He had been seeking me for 100 years.
Aren’t Buddhists Taught To Go To Temples?
“You are Buddhist, but why don’t you know the principle and the conducts of Buddhism? You were born a Buddhist but you still don’t know it. Whom can I ask about it then? If you ask me about Islam, I can answer all of your questions. Let me ask something. Aren’t Buddhist taught to go to temples?”
Son Must Not Receive Heritage
He was born with a scar on the left chest. When everyone in the family saw the scar, they suddenly knew that he was reborn from the previous life but did not know whom. When he saw my uncle and my aunt, he called them father and mother. No one believed that he was my uncle and aunt’s son that was reborn.
Aloha, Madam. Pele And The Cursed Stones
Hawaiians believe that Madame Pele cursed the people who took lava stones from the Big Island back home, but many tourists don’t know it, so they take them away and after that they will become seriously sick or face business problems.
Black Magic Baby Has A Girl-friend
The medium gave her a black magic baby statue to bring home for homage. My mother was doing better business for 10 years.Until one day, Korkaew was in her dream and told her that “I will go to dig gold in Saudi Arabia, and I will bring it to you for wealth.” Since then he never showed up in her dreams again.
It's Up To You Who You Choose
when I turned 30, I was pregnant and delivered a baby boy. When my son turned 7 years old, I faced the crisis of my life because I knew that my husband had an affair. I tried to revenge his actions by turning to be a prostitute again.Then one day, I asked him “Who would you choose between me and her?”
Could you please show us the way to survive and have happiness in society?
In Thai society these days, it has changed a lot because everyone has to work for survival until you can hardly find a smile on anybody’s face. Could you please show us the way to survive and have happiness in society Sir?